Studio Gang: Architecture - What Are You Made Of?

Film by Spirit of Space

“Many dismiss the role of making in architecture today—including its social potential as a collaborative, collective act. Why cut, slot, sand, laminate, carve, bend, weave, stitch, or mold materials, they ask, when any form can simply be 3-D printed from a drawing file? Granted, our digital age offers many new tools and technologies, but their capabilities can only be magnified when combined with existing techniques to help us answer real-world questions.”⁠

In What Are You Made Of?, Jeanne Gang describes the deep interest in materials and making that runs through Studio Gang’s work, exemplified in installation and exhibition projects.

Studio Gang: Architecture is now available for purchase at an independent bookstore near you, or online at Phaidon.



Phaidon — "Watch Jeanne Gang Tell You About Her New Book"

“After all, as we all know, to experiment is to take risks, to open oneself to the vagaries of the unknown and the unpredictable. A bit like cycling through the streets of Chicago perhaps? One thing’s for sure: without experimentation there is no discovery; and Jeanne Gang, who founded this New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Paris-based practice twenty years ago, has discovered a lot.”


Studio Gang: Architecture - Rhythm

⁠In a short film illustrating recurring themes of pattern and rhythm in Studio Gang’s work, Jeanne Gang highlights one of the threads of inquiry explored in Studio Gang: Architecture, a new monograph published by Phaidon.


Studio Gang: Architecture - Toward Terrestrial

As Jeanne Gang explains in this short film, the third thematic chapter in Studio Gang’s upcoming monograph with Phaidon, Toward Terrestrial, is made up of projects where architecture learns from and merges with nature.


Studio Gang: Architecture - Up in the Canopy

In Up in the Canopy, Jeanne Gang describes the biological diversity and enigmatic experience of the treetops—and how architecture can learn from it.