Venice Biennale Bioblitz

Join the first crowd-sourced field study of the animals and plants who inhabit the Biennale grounds!


Besides human visitors, who else is spending time at the exhibition? Using iNaturalist, a free biodiversity tool, everyone is invited to notice, record, and identify the wild animals and plants found at the Biennale from May 7 through November 23, 2025.

Our collective observations will be uploaded to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, contributing research-quality data to scientists working to better understand and protect nature, and informing future habitat creation and conservation efforts in Venice.

What’s been spotted so far? Click on any icon above to see the species name and photo

How can I participate?

1. Find Wildlife

Take a photo of any wild animal or plant you spot at the Biennale

2. Upload Your Observations

Add your photos and locations to the iNaturalist app for iOS or Android

3. Help Identify

Add community IDs on iNaturalist from May 7th through November 23rd

The Venice Biennale Bioblitz is part of The Living Orders of Venice, Studio Gang’s project for the Biennale Architettura 2025.