Hosted by Reed Kroloff, this installment of the Chicago Architecture Center’s Scully Series will be led by Juliane Wolf and Mark Sexton, co-founding partner of Krueck and Sexton Partners.
“Three masterful, entertaining explorations of an architecture-informed worldview continue this series inspired by legendary professor, critic and author Vincent Joseph Scully, Jr. (1920−2017), who made his mark through more than 60 years of leading lectures at Yale University, inspiring countless students to pursue a wide variety of career paths. Even those with little to no interest in architecture were drawn to Scully’s courses, as he made learning about the built environment accessible, intoxicating and vital for everyone in the room.
On the first Tuesdays in March, April and May, the CAC aims to inspire Scully Series attendees in the same way. Yale alumnus and former Scully student Reed Kroloff, a nationally recognized commenter on architecture and current dean at the Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture, will lead this fast-paced series, joined by multiple esteemed guests from the greater Chicago design community. Few can recapture the animated, engaging essence of a lesson with Scully like Kroloff, who will celebrate Scully’s love of a multiplicity of styles and forms in a fresh, lively format.”
April 6, 2021
6:00 p.m. CT
Live Broadcast (via Zoom)