Dimensions of Citizenship, the United States’ entry to the 16th International Venice Architecture Biennale, is now on view for the first time in the U.S. at Wrightwood 659 in Chicago. Devoted to exploring what citizenship means today, and the role of architecture and design in creating spaces for it, the exhibition comprises seven unique installations from a transdisciplinary team of architects and designers.
Studio Gang’s contribution, Stone Stories, investigates citizenship at the scale of Civitas. Building on Studio Gang’s ongoing work in Memphis, Tennessee, the project explores how redesigning cities’ public spaces—including those with complex histories—can be an inclusive process that empowers communities and gives rise to greater belonging.
To find out what citizenship looks like in Memphis today, the Studio Gang team interviewed nine exemplary Memphis citizens, each of whom has a unique approach to making change in their city. Their insights are shared in a video that is on view in the exhibition and online.